The Ministry of communications wants to ban phones without GLONASS

Today in the Ministry of communications submitted the bill, according to which in Russia it will be possible to use only those mobile phones that include support for the GLONASS navigation system. Although it is not clear how this will be monitored, most likely, we are talking about banning the importation and sale. This decision was taken in order, and I quote
in order to ensure the stability of the unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation in various conditions.
Requirements (in the case of the adoption of this act) will apply to manufacturers and sellers. To monitor the implementation of law be entrusted to Roskomnadzor.

How has this come?

For me personally this news is not very surprising (and not only because this is another project statesillythe Duma), not so long ago there was another similar initiative, the essence of which was to translate public transport to use the system
"To the end of the year practically the whole of Moscow is covered in this service" –
Said the head of JSC "Navigation information systems" ("NIS GLONASS") Alexander Gurko. This project will be allocated from the state budget about 2 billion rubles, while the feature will be about 6 thousand vehicles that if to count, that comes to about 333 333 rubles for a transport (probably expensive now navigation gone).

is the game Worth the candle?

The necessity of its own system of geo-positioning moot. With one hand on the key sites and sectors, such as military-the industrial industry is needed, as in the case of a "clash of interests" with our devices, installed on aircraft, tanks and other equipment can simply be disconnected from the satellites. But on the other is common rationalism, if on military technology it has washed away, what side does the mobile phone? Immediately raises 2 main questions:

  • As these "innovations" will appear on the price ?
  • the
  • Better for GLONASS than GPS?

issue Price

Developers phones for trends and watching and so, starting with models such as Iphone 4s, Sony Ericsson Xperia ray and other available support as GPS, and our system. They did this not out of kindness, but because of the news about the imposed tax, at the rate of 25% for all devices that don't support GLONASS, which became known in 2011. It was a peculiar preparation of the soil, for today's measures to support domestic producers. The experiment can be said to have failed and the leading developers of the phones began to include this feature in their devices. For the price it's not much displayed as the operation is not time consuming and does not imply any waiver of the time-tested GPS.

will we be Able to compete?

The government, a year ago promised the improvement, which was to be achieved through the introduction of a new version of the geocentric coordinate system: PZ-90, which is analogous to the Western WGS84. In addition to this system from 2012 to 2020 on the development of GLONASS from Russian budget allocated 320 billion rubles. During this period it is planned to produce 15 satellites "GLONASS-M" and 22 "GLONASS-K". All of these easy money the budget turned the head of the Russian General staff, and he he said by 2015, the accuracy of GLONASS will not concede GPS. Remains only hopes that it would happen, and feared, expenses of budgetary funds in addition to the lag from the GPS competition with the new players on the geodetic map of the European Galileo and Chinese Compass program.
Article based on information from


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