A look into the future of MODX. 2013

Translations from first-person (approx. of an interpreter).

We spent considerable time evaluating what we did over the last few years in MODX. Yesterday I highlighted some of the key events since 2012, but now it's time to focus on the things that really matter and will have value in the future.

Photo taken from Andrew King


growing community

Currently MODX has one of the largest communities in the world. But we think you deserve a much better and profitable ecosystem. It's time to promote wide awareness and implementation of MODX.

Our first step is Ambassador program (Ambassador), who was born in MODXpo 2012. We still prepare all the information, but we can already say that the goal of the program is to ensure that people like and give the opportunity to make useful connections in the process of learning and the early introduction of MODX.

Ambassadors must commit to at least a year, and during this time they will have to organize and coordinate a minimum of 6 of meetings (per year) and at the same time on a regular basis to collaborate and communicate with MODX and the community. Of course, they don't have to be at every meeting, but we will help to prepare materials and topics that they can show. Their main role is to worry about finding places for meetings, coordinate these meetings and to ensure that people know about them in a timely manner.

What you get in return, becoming an Ambassador? You will get access to MODX will be able to influence its future, will be the first to get information about what is planned and get a higher status and recognition in the overall ecosystem of MODX. As well as the satisfaction of understanding that you are helping to build a bright future for the CMS that we all love so much. Without a doubt, the future Ambassador will take a serious time commitment, but we hope that the benefits that you will get are worth your investment.

If you are interested in becoming a MODX Ambassador in your region or community, please email our feedback form and tell us about your experience with MODX, your location, your Skype or other contact details and all the things that in your opinion it would be appropriate to say, especially why you would like to be an Ambassador and a few words about how you met in MODX.


User Experience

We are committed to a radical overhaul of the user interface of MODX. This applies to every detail: from the forums, topics, and documentation provided to the services we offer. It all began with the hiring in March 2012, Dustin Walker (Dustin Walker) to bring all-all images and interfaces. The results of his work appeared in MODX Cloud where a simple user interface hidden infrastructure management and many complicated things. All of this continues to improve each week.

Was then repaired our Forum, which we hope will increase community engagement. Even with the last weekend we have seen a noticeable increase in visits and time spent on the forums. We were happy from the start, but even more happy we will be when, finally, release the code to the community. It will happen later this year.
I really can't wait for the corrections UX/UI of the admin from Dustin. How about you?


innovation and invention

Our first release in 2005, supports HTML5, CSS3 and responsive design. Today, we already support everything what will be without having to modify the kernel or write a ton of code. MODX Revolution brought to the world Media Sources, nothing like that has never been seen on other platforms, especially as built-in functions. So if you need to access Dropbox, Google Drive or Amazon S3 storage to a local file system web server, you can do this using Media Sources.
But we only scratched the surface of what is to come. Inventing new things and looking for the best way to do existing things is what is really important and is stamped in our DNA. So, in the future we expect to see more releases, more frequent releases and we will pay more attention to transparent communication with the community in creating innovation. All this will happen in 2013 and later.

If you have ideas to improve MODX or processes around it or any other part of the world of MODX, feel free to contact us.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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