"And you know what?" or Vice versa Stackoverflow

currently, the Internet already has resources that you can tell about your probleme and likely get its solution, however, sometimes, finding the solution to a question, I want to share it with others. Practice one of the options was to create an issue on stackowerflow and yourself to answer it.

Is on the Internet all the known resources about bad code, very bad code. Reading them certainly raises self-esteem and mood, but minimally affects the professionalism and level of knowledge.

Personally, I really don't have enough resource where I can neatly fold "pieces of gold", visianii of piles of the same, as mentioned a few lines above. You can say, "Well, get yourself a blog." Why? Why will skladyvat notes for yourself? Like it's a map with the location of the Grail. I want to share what I have learned, and I also want to learn something new from You, from your colleagues and just strangers to me people.

So I offer you my new project "And you know what?": doyouknowthat.ru.


As for this site, I'm quite impatient and not able to lick month project, which actually did for himself. I must say that this website, like trackmypost.ru two years ago I took spontaneously, in the day, and by evening had fulfilled exactly 80% of the planned functionality. Another week for a couple of hours a day spent on decorations, buttons, buttons and everything.

I want to say to all the developers who read this message: share information and always write logs. These are 2 key things to be followed by the developer. For me it is always funny when programmers sit next to each other and talking about everything except programming, of course, they are talking about coding, but by the decision of current tasks. All, apparently, are afraid to seem stupid by saying, "Guys, I found out a cool feature in mongo/php/redis/Java/c++...", because it may be that all this "chip" is true, read 7 years ago in a paper tutorial. Tell each other what you learn, knowledge is not gold, we cannot lose them, but you need to multiply.

And about the logs: it is always parallel development logisuite your code, everywhere, and an obvious and potentially problematic place. Writing tests is great, but the most simple and accessible to all — it's a log. Do this:
php-DEBUG && Log('...'); 
and You can always enable/disable the logs in one simple motion, You don't have to randomly write echo etc. in Advance think over, what do we need to caloghirou, and try to close in meaning to the logs to make the prefix tag, such as: USER_AUTH, CHAT_MESSAGE, SHOP_ORDER, thus using only tail and grep You with probability of 99% localize the bug in the first minute of the analysis.

For those who managed to read to the end and wants to know the technical details report:
nginx + php-fpm + mongodb
Exactly the kit that allows you to quickly distribute the operating plan.

After login, OAuth and there are popular programs and social networks, You will already be automatically subscribed to all updates service (facts and comments), i.e. totally subscribed to all. You can disable in your profile settings and subscribe separately to the tags (the arrival of new facts on these tags) and facts (new comments to a particular fact).

New facts appear only after moderation, the moderator I'm the only one, so please do not kick, if suddenly a bit slow. Comments to the facts on the website will appear immediately, but the notification will be sent again only after watching the review, so you don't fell the Mat and other garbage.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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