Announced The Zend Framework 3 Roadmap

imageDiscussion of ideas and proposals for the Zend Framework 3 is the long enough, and finally Zend has decided to the announcement of the new version of the framework.

/ > Zend Framework 3 will be the evolution of ZF2, with a focus on three main points — simplicity, code reuse and performance.

In the priority plans include:
  • the separation of the components of the framework in individual, versioned projects (Hello, Symfony!);
  • special emphasis will be placed on the HTTP messages that are aligned with the PSR-7; the

  • existing full stack MVC framework will be updated and will begin to depend on the newly independent components for reuse and simplification. ZF2 MVC projects will be possible with minimal effort to migrate to a new version, which will prepare a guide for migration;
  • the
  • the concept of middleware, familiar to many Ruby / Python and PHP frameworks Slim Framework and StackPHP, as a more lightweight alternative to the enterprise-stack MVC framework (an example of what is it);
  • the
  • ability to use Apigility as middleware;
  • the
  • optimizing for PHP 7, this will be supported starting with PHP version 5.5;

And now the main surprise is the serious part of the thinking of labour and the coding is left behind, it's going to be ZF3 in the third quarter of 2015.

Other details — including the specific timeline of releases, the development and study of specific technological election — will be published in Zend blog in the near future.
Article based on information from


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