Autumn school OpenFlow at MSU

Adminia network? Follow the new technologies? There is a desire to work with the latest switches? Every September pulls back to uni? Well, I have great news.


the Center for applied research of computer networks along with the Open Networking Laboratory (Stanford University, The University of California, Berkeley) and faculty computational mathematics and Cybernetics, Moscow state University organize School "Software-configurable network". It's all free, first owner and with practice. The catch only one on the course will take only thirty people.

One of the hottest solutions today — SDN/SDN-technology, running on the OpenFlow Protocol, which allows you to get away from "manual control" network. The technology has attracted the attention of such IT-giants as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Verizon, Yahoo! Cisco, HP, IBM and a number of other, already engaged in the development of this theme. Russia is at the initial stages included in the technology research with the prospect that its results will become the basis for the creation in Russia own manufacture of network equipment. Russia has all chances to become one of the world leaders in the field of computer network management, but we need experts. School "Software-configurable network" will acquaint the participants with innovative computer network technologies based on SDN-approach.

Learning format:
  • Lectures, exploring the SDN technology, open Protocol OpenFlow, the basic concepts and tools of SDN/OpenFlow, the actual directions of research in the field of modern network technologies;
  • the
  • Practical exercises in the use of basic tools, OpenFlow/SDN networks.

Practical classes will focus on skills for installing virtual machines, use basic tools, PKS and debugging tools; creating and installing Open Source applications on OpenFlow controllers, learning the basics of using FlowVisor slicing and networking, creating a segment SDN.

On the basis of the TSPI KS already built Russia's first new generation network. Yes, you will be able to work with her and with their hands to find all strengths and weaknesses. A new switching architecture that allows experiments in various fields of network technology, to develop network applications, OpenFlow creates a common language to communicate with equipment from different manufacturers. Boring in practice will not be exact. Practical classes are conducted on OpenFlow switches from NEC and HP, the POX controller with the implementation of the API for SDN applications in Python.

The course is designed for only four days and will begin on September 18, education is free. The course will be lead by three teachers:
  • Ali Al-Shabibi Open Network Laboratory, Network software developer/Laboratory open network technologies, engineer development of network equipment /United States, California.
  • the
  • David Erickson, PhD, Stanford University/Professor Stanford University/USA, California.
  • the
  • Masayoshi Kobayashi, NEC Corporation, Principal Researcher/NEC Corporation, a leading developer/ United States, California.

The procedure of competitive selection for the School:
  1. we accept entries until September 10 (inclusive).
  2. the
  3. the Selection of applicants is on September 11-12. In the first two stages of the applicants may be asked to provide additional information by phone or email.
  4. the
  5. Announcement of the list of participants of the School on September 12. The results will be communicated to each participant personally.

Anyone wishing to participate must be no later than September 10, 2012 be sent to the address the completed questionnaire. The application form can be obtained at UWC (I really couldn't find) or request for the specified email.

Contacts of the organizing Committee of the Summer school:, (495) 984-27-64, +7-916-329-73-98.
Article based on information from


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