
Those fortunate karma greater than 10, I can already see (as well as beta testing) that will provide Marvelous Habr.

/ > Log on to


Yay, buttons! and It pulls!

don't forget where you publish the topic:

Finally, a hint:

in All frames!

go see who won:


Alignment in the center!

Without glitches has not done:

But what about this there writes MioMio:

It's beta time!

Today we are launching a test platform on which to present their new developments. Be located this site will always be here for however, it will not be available always, but only on "holidays". In the case of the introduction of any complicated options structure Habra we will sharpen them for Bethabra.

(Betacap runs on a separate database, so all posts, comments, voting for the karma, etc., that You are going to do, will not affect the main content Habra. As You can see, I Bethabra your logo. He is also a beta.)

Now before you first tested the innovation — Marvelous Habr. As many of you know already, it is called so thanks to the new layout :) Just perferctly we are not limited to: there are a lot of little nice stuff that should already work.

In this topic using comments You can report any bugs you find. (If a bug-report, please immediately inform, what browser You use.) Here, in the comments, you can leave and wishes (not in the style of the blog for new ideas!). What follows is a list of the bugs that are already known and with whom we tired and hungry fighting:

— in the comments, if after you use the blockquote tag is again plain text, it appears in bigger font than normal comments.

If You know how to most easily fix these error messages are received in the comments.
Article based on information from


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