Cerebro – free alternative to Alfred and Spotlight

I Want to show you my open-source project Cerebro is a free alternative to Alfred Spotligth, work on which I started a few months ago and only recently achieved stability and cross-platform support, which is ready to show the product to a wider audience.

(under the cut will be a lot of screenshots)


I set a few goals:

  • to Make free open-source counterpart Alfred and Spotlight;
  • the
  • It needs to be cross-platform;
  • unlike many open-source projects to focus on good UI/UX and ease of use; the

  • to Fix what does not like in Alfred: more freedom for plugins (for example, display not only text, but also any other interface elements);
  • the
  • to Fix what does not like in Spotlight: customization, plugins, speed;
  • "Powerful Hey pee-ay" to any developer on JS could in 10 minutes to make a simple extension, and users can find these plugins in one place.

What happened

In the end, using javascript and electron I have created an app which is used permanently. Out of the box it can do:

  • to Search in Google;
  • the
  • to find and run applications (only on MacOS);

  • the
  • to read and convert values.

  • the
  • to Navigate through the file system and show the files

  • the
  • to Translate from one language to another

  • the
  • to Look on Google maps


Plugin is a simple npm module written in javascript. In principle, you can write a plugin in any other language, just wrapped in a js call to your script. Documentation for creating plugins is available at github.

At the time of this writing is available in 10 plugins that you can search and install right from the app:

  • Search database caniuse.com

  • the
  • in IMDB

  • the
  • Search gif on giphy.com

  • the
  • the Search for suitable emoji

  • the
  • Search for contacts in OSx

  • the
  • Run shell-comand

  • the
  • System commands for OSx (screen saver, empty trash, restart)
  • the
  • Search in the built-in OSx dictionary
  • the
  • Display vnutrennego external and IP address
  • the
  • Kill — to kill any process in the system


I hope you will find something useful for themselves. In the comments I would like to hear feedback, suggestions, criticism. And I will be glad pull-requestl and new plug-ins from razrabotcikov!


Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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