CryptoSMS — protecting your SMS (Android only)

Long as, in the already distant 2011, dealing with programming under Android, I decided to write a program to encrypt SMS. And now after reading this article the New service from MegaFon — read deleted TEXT messages remembered about this program and thoughts on its development...

So first a little about the program: pretty primitive, and while the quality of the cryptography used an ordinary XOR.
Primary functions are to encrypt and send a text message and decrypt received.
For encryption you need to select the contact you want to send a message (only one contact), collect the message and enter the password which the message will be encrypted, well, then click "Submit":
Do not forget to tell the password to the recipient, and then to read Your message, it will be difficult :-).
When a message comes in the standard interface it will look something like this:
To read the message again from the application: select the message, go to read, enter the password, and click "Read":
After this, the message will look as follows:
In this case, the message is only shown in decrypted form in the store, it remains encrypted.
The description of the program can be completed.

As the development of the application wanted to implement a complete cryptography and asymmetric (public and private keys) to add functionality to exchange public keys. But while hands did not reach deal with cryptography :-).

P. S. regarding the publication in Google Play, there is no doubt, as still there is a hint of cryptography — if who faced, advise, pliz.

P. P. S. If someone is interested and wants to try, you can download it here. Comments and constructive criticism are welcomed.
Article based on information from


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