Eclipse, MPICH and PTP for the administrator. Custom bundle for working with the cluster

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For the programming "under the cluster" there are a lot of technologies, which includes such giants as the commercial Visual Studio in version 2010 which programmers Microsoft was undertaken a gigantic work, and the open-source Eclipse, which will be discussed.

So, for Eclipse, the development team is actively developing a bunch of PTP & PLDT, all information about which can be found on the website.
Notes for those interested:
* Reviewed compilation of project C. Project C is configured similarly. For Java not tested.
* Administrator guide.

In short, to jabracada:
* Eclipse needs to be properly assembled with the required plugin (PTP & PLDT);
* must be collected by the implementation of the MPI (in this case, MPICH, but you can use OpenMPI);
* MPICH will run your daemon on the compute nodes (including the head)

So, first collect the necessary. We will be working in Linux.
You must share via NFS place and run MPICH on all nodes. This is because MPICH needs to run your daemon on all nodes.

tar xvf mpich2-1.2.1p1.tar.gz
cd mpich2-1.1.1p1
./configure --prefix=/home/mpich
make install

Download Eclipse in this case, Eclipse Galileo. Unpack in any place and run.

Eclipse to work with the cluster uses Parallel Tools Platform (PTP) + Parallel Language Development Tool (PLDT). We install using Help- > Install New Software.

Update site for PTP:

Select the required option (and necessary at this stage only the PTP PLDT and Support For MPICH2) and install the plugin. To finish the setup of the plugin you need to install native debugger, and make:

cd /distr/soft/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.ptp.linux.x86_64_3.0.1.201002011019

If the debugger was installed (there was a bin subdirectory), then proceed to the next step — configuring MPICH2.

Create a file .mpd.conf and put in it the secret word for the organization "ring" the demons of MPICH2, which will be used by the demon with nodes to connect to the daemon on the head node
touch /etc/mpd.conf
Enter the word: MPD_SECRETWORD=someword
chmod 0700 /etc/mpd.conf
/home/mpich/bin/mpd-n --daemon
/home/mpich/bin/mpdtrace -l
By using mpdtrace get the port number on which "hung" our demon. We are going to use for the formation of "rings" MPICH2.
Crucify the file with the secret word on all nodes:
for i in `seq 1 []`; do scp /etc/.mpd.conf [name]$i:/etc/; done;
Start the daemons:
/home/mpich/bin/mpd -h sblade -p [the port on which showed mpdtrace] --daemon

Will check on the head node, how was the setup:

sblade:~# /home/mpich/bin/mpdtrace -l 255/pts/5 [17:27:11]
sblade_44222 (
node2_33135 (
node3_43780 (
node1_36588 (

If so, then configuring Eclipse and PTP MPICH over. Administrator.
Article based on information from


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