From Dating to town

Hello, {{habrauser}}.

In this article I will talk about our project, about the initial plans, and what we came from, the process and the future.

The last couple of years, it was fashionable to do geo-social Dating. Who started it I don't remember, but in Runet marked "Christmas Tree" from Arcadia Moranis. Now the term "geo-Dating" is almost a dirty word in the ranks of the young Internet entrepreneurs.

My story begins on a fine summer day, when I opened the RSS feed from TechCrunch, it seems, and I came across an article about the service, Tinder. I must say that by nature I am very shy. I think even poseleniia Raj from TBBT will be. To approach a girl and start talking! Yourself? No reason, no reason at all? No really, thank you!

the Backstory

So, the article described how to become popular on this service, Tinder. Which I have not yet been known. I read it, tried it, and I liked it.) Especially hooked on the simplicity.

Briefly about how Tinder works:
You show the people sorted in the geographic vicinity of your position. Your will to finish or to skip (mark also started with this, we remember hot or not). If the huskies with two sides match, you will open a private chat.

I decided to try to do something to us in Russia, because counterparts were not, and just wanted to try. Our company just closed and we have 40 man dismissed, giving even some compensation. As you can see, I decided to try to copy Tinder in Russia. On Board the ship!

At the last project I met a talented Python \ Django programmer, and indeed by the time all their projects translated to Python. A wonderful language. Jack listened to me and responded that he was interested in the idea and the technology stack that we will use. He's in the game. From this point on it will be on behalf of "we".



Tinder — mobile app, we decided from the outset to do exactly web. However, with the condition that all the interfaces will be implemented in the adaptive version. For many reasons, probably the main one is the lack of competence in mobile development, and web changes at the moment still flexible.

We also considered the prototype, though we looked at the above mentioned service, but still fantasize and create "your" product.

When it created all the pages, and the baseline scenario are passed on 100 times, it's time to do graphics. I must say that I have quite a lot of experience in Internet projects, and proven specialists. And I decided to go "on the side", to risk, to refresh contacts, to see other points of view. Posted an ad on frelansim and fl. The ads I write in a special way, the main thing — to convey the importance of the product and the degree of importance of the work and the person you're looking for, probably, ever write topic. Again, having the experience behind shoulders, I am very critical of the work in the portfolio of the designers responded.

In the end, was found a remarkable designer, who agreed a 7 500r. (don't forget I didn't work, and this project we did for personal money) to do us all the screens + their adaptive versions. Think he was somewhere in Thailand, and this work is rather regarded as a rest (actually correct), he was given carte Blanche and a "rubber" time. After two weeks of fairly intense work (meetings every evening) stage of the design was completed. We were happy and we loved (Hello, Tom, thank you for what you've done for us.).

This turned out the main page:

and its mobile sister.

By this point it's been nearly a month since the start of development. Probably worth mentioning about the layout. Coder we also searched remotely, and I found a really good Ukrainian guy. Which is not just agreeing to help us for 7 000., but, fascinated by the idea, brought many from the useful. Remember — a good specialist in each stage can add something that you never thought about and knew.

Come to the main stage of our project — a revival. Programming. Jack, when I found out that I was fired, strongly supported me morally and from the money refused, agreeing to share. Well, I hope someday I will be able to thank him. The development process took another 1.5 months as I had to work in the evenings in between work. And we are not burned, it was important to have fun and learn new things. I at that time began to actively look for work. Along the way, we Zhenya is another common content project, which I spent a couple of nights a week. About the development and use of technology will be a separate article.

The first alpha version showed that the model is viable, and many greeted warmly. But closer to the release of the project, we realized that we want something different. Not Dating, more Dating, as one of the components of the project, but pursuing a different purpose.

What we wanted and what came

Tinder is based on the fact that you people are selected depending on your current position. We coined the term "Place" is important to you point on the map. For example, I definitely have "Home" and "Work" + a couple of places where I love to walk. This starts our differences with Tinder and hope for the future.

While we were making our service more and more I thought about the importance of cities for people. It means "City for people"? And not only of the city, and space in General. I was able to participate in the study entitled "a day in the life". TO further quote — "the Most negative peak of the day — leaving the house, and the positive, respectively, return". And what actually makes a house a home? And the city is not home? Our project we want to push the limits, to make places in the city animate, friends and "their".

For the time being we do not intend to remove the functionality of Dating, because it's pretty funny.) View photos, polycat, chat, Dating. But it's your choice. Until the end of the year we'll fix bugs and add functionality events around your place (cinema, theater, concerts, lectures) and the service offline for meetings of the initiative groups of the city.

If you wonder join now (sorry, registration is required).

Small tip

I know that in principle, it is useless to say. And it should be understood, excuse me, the fifth point. But don't start their projects with solutions that start with learning problems. The question is, what kind of problem is best solved.

I hope you were interested in our experience and the project.) All the questions, I with pleasure will answer in comments.

P. S. we are Now in search of a mobile developer that could take on iOs version. About the conditions of cooperation — better in PM, or some small amount, or a percentage of it is unclear.).
Article based on information from


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