Generator avatars in the style of pixel art, more than 40 million images

Hello, residents and guests Habra.
I want to share with you one interesting tool. Our team developed it in the course of the project, about which I will tell you. Pixel man on KDPW — the result of his work.

We took the trouble to sit down with a calculator and calculate the approximate number of possible images. Got a number just over forty million. So everyone can find something to your taste. Pictures!

So, welcome, Free, open and easy to use generator of avatars.

Under a cat history, description, and some technical information.

a Little history

Most often, when registering on the website, especially if it's not a social network, there is a situation when many users instead of the profile picture installed image-plug:

I think we can all agree that it is not very convenient, and visually to find the right person in the list and learn becomes much more difficult. Such a task was before, and different projects it was decided differently. The closest to us and were popular, of course In their case the registration is issued a randomly generated picture. For example, this:

It simplifies the task of visual identification, but not much. It was decided to go in this direction. But still to create something more humanoid. Having tried dozens of options, we came to generating avatars with eight persons.

What happened?

The principle of operation is quite simple:

Pre-prepared image-patterns in random or the order overlap each other, after which the server script can glue them back together, and have a treasured pic. The image can be downloaded can be set as avatar, if the script is embedded in the website.

On 8biticon we have deployed the app from its own sources that published on github, and added the ability to quickly install avatars in social networks. For starters chose the most popular in our latitudes and Facebook.

At the moment the server part is implemented as a django-app, so that those who use this framework will not be difficult to build 8biticon in ready or a new project.

And example of using the constructor in the wild can be viewed on the website, for which all and was started:

What are your future plans?

In development plans, in addition to drawing new patterns, creating a fully-fledged open source project with support for different server platforms. Well, probably, to add such fashion in our days whistles like photo filters :-)

This resource was made just for fun. Therefore, anyone who wants to make the world a more fun and convenient, we invite you to take part in it. Programmers, designers and simply those who have the desire.
And always a pleasure to see all your suggestions and comments.

UPD. The website is back online, we apologize for the technical difficulties.
Article based on information from


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