GitHub: Your collective ... with black Jack

the First dive

image I decided to start learning a distributed version control files GIT the web interface Github. Moreover, I was interested in first of all, this theoretical possibility: participation in the collective development of a small (but very responsible) proektika, without the need to install any additional software, limited only by the web interface available from any browser, and, perhaps, a built-in Notepad (for more comfortable editing the source code).

Hypothetically, the entire project could thus represent a single source code file, so that anyone could always access it, and after making edits, can submit a request to the project Manager to add made fixes to the main (or alternative) branch of the project.


I'm not a real programmer, as I have never used in their work environment team development, no version control, no automated testing of their projects, not to mention the fact that he had not conducted any work papers (except, perhaps, the most trivial of comments within the code).


But, Here's the hour when I began to realize how much I was deprived, as were limited to my ability to create a truly quality product.
My choice fell on Github.
Registration on Github is not just easy, but very simple:

Username: githabr
Email Address:
Password: *******
Confirm Password: *******

By the way, when you register, you can specify a fictitious E-Mail address because it is not checked, and no confirmation and no mailing is sent. The main thing that it was a globally-unique within the git-hub.

Further, as easily create a new repository for a project:

Repository name: habrahabr
Description (optional): ...
[x] Initialize this repository with a README

The installation of the last checkbox will automatically insert into the project README file with mark-daunovsky markup.



By the way, this file is then easily edited directly on the website via a web form.

Seeing the opportunity, I quickly smcenter of that in this way it is possible to publish the original texts of the draft articles, which were later scheduled to be published on Habre.
It is the same and, after the publication will allow any notice a typo or inaccuracy in the text immediately saidapet correction, so as not to litter in the comments, and do not write in lichku. Moreover, this option will be available to any abrowser, including Read-Only contacts (which do not have any opportunity to send comments or write to the PM), thereby opening more opportunities to further improve the quality of published material.

In fact, I suggest you translate all herpublic in the open-source.

By the way, here's the question: how, in principle, on Habre it is possible to show your draft of the article to a specific person (and, ideally, I would like just to open and view your friends from the list of added friends) before it is published? Well, don't make the same screenshots of the preview in actual fact!

My proposed approach of sharing source code allows to solve the problem of preview, by simply "feeding" shared code Garrapatero, for example, through the same web interface of the sandbox Habra.

So, let's try now something to put them on git-hub:

Upload a new file

<> Choose a new file: c:\githabr\1.txt
Short Description: test

All. The file is now available worldwide:

By the way, while it is distributed over HTTP (not HTTPS), which has its advantages in some cases.
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
x-amz-id-2: 9CR8MvvocEfjYL/99TjOf2yPogURMenmPl/SVTfDwS8ForBAZ1+ahMY1BH3bm+LJ
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Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2012 10:32:58 GMT
Last-Modified: Tue, 05 Jun 2012 10:27:01 GMT
ETag: "9fe7b2cc8b758cb05cd9dfbae8a825bb"
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Via: 1.0 (CloudFront)
Connection: close

This file is displayed in the
Manage Downloads

And, everything seems to be hunky-Dory, but do not understand one thing: in this way the downloaded file was in "the cloud" and not in "master branch". That is, in contrast to the README file, I have it just as easy to edit via a web form.

Well, okay: for this his post I just filled in a cloud of its source code:

And next?

Then I do not know what to do. Can someone tell me good advice?
I now need this download to be able to attach to the master branch, and give the opportunity to update it to any interested person.


How to start working with GitHub: quick start
Article based on information from


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