GPS III: the United States again outperform potential competitors

Boeing Corporation announced the transfer of the U.S. air force its proposals for the development and creation of new satellites of the global positioning system that will significantly exceed their tactical and technical characteristics of the existing GPS system, but will retain compatibility with existing custom receivers. The contract value for the first 8 satellites of the GPS III system with option for 4 unit and deployment date 2013 sostavljaet $1.8 billion.

"GPS III will constitute the next step in the development of navigation and coordinate possibilities of technology, said Howard chambers (Howard Chambers), Vice President and General Manager of Boeing Space and Intelligence Systems. — Offers Boeing for GPS III would expedite the evolution of combat system capabilities through the implementation of a caller's trust program, which will not be associated with excess risk. Our solution is based on a comprehensive improvement of the characteristics of the signal and its power, is the best possible solution for the country and will provide a more reliable GPS services as grazhdanskih and military users".

Boeing has already produced a total of 43 GPS satellite configurations, Block I, II, IIA and IIF. It is assumed that the prospective GPS III satellites will transmit navigation signals significantly more than this capacity. Will have a new civil signal compatible with the prospective European Galileo system, increase the noise immunity of the system. Will appear a new private signal (the so-called M-code). The system will gain greater flexibility and scalability.

Article based on information from


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