Habra informer

image How many of those who constantly visits habrahabr, I often check the main page for new articles, while at one point came the idea to make a widget that would be hung in the system tray, independently launched my browser or not, I checked the update on the main page if there is one then I opened the program in the tray and watched what articles currently on the main page. Next, click on the required link — just hit the browser to the desired page.

Eventually got a program on QT which all this performs.


Download the file "app" for linux(after downloading binary't forget to set execute rights) or a windows-run the program, turn it in the tray and go about their business as soon as I change the icon in the tray, open the program and see what changes have been received, if something interesting click -> get on Habr in the article.


Download app for Windows (archive is Packed with library dependencies)
Download app for Linux (compiled binary)
Download application for MAC OS X (Posted AcidSlayer, check out was not possible)
Download sources


In Windows everything works, but pulls library (libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll, mingwm10.dll, QtCore4.dll, QtGuid4.dll, QtNetwork4.dll, QtXml4.dll).



To KDE links didn't open, as the cache files must be in the settings -> default applications -> the browser specified by the key %U (firefox %U).

What is planned in the next episode

There are a number of ideas to improve this program and when you have free time I will improve.
— Create separate threads for new topics, saharienne, sandbox issues.
— Ability of authorization: tracking of personal messages, tracking band, tracking of new comments in selected topics.

I am very interested in tips from the user's point of view, as someone would be more convenient to use such program.

P. S. I Will be glad for any help and advice.

P. S. S. Comrades, please do not scold, for what is now an rss reader, I will try to change with program updates and will consider all Your comments.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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