"Hackers and Painters". As we 13 years the whole Runet Paul Graham translated

"It began as a wish, became an adventure, and ended as a unique road trip."
— for/f "Route 60"

Paul Graham wrote a book "Hackers and Painters" (original PDF) when I was more a programmer than an investor. Since then, some things are out of date (and arc is not soared), but most of the ideas remain relevant (role and position nerds "hackers" in the modern world, freedom of thought, critical thinking, ability to challenge large systems etc). Personally, I plan to reread the whole book a couple more times.

Thank you to Bayram for Anacova "tip" Paul Graham Nikolai Kononov, who confirmed that I'm on the right track.

table of Contents

Chapter 1 Why Nerds Are Unpopular't like nerds.
Chapter 2 Hackers & PaintersHackers and painters (Habr edition)
Chapter 3 What You Can't Saywhat you can't say.
Chapter 4 Good Bad Attitudethe Word "hacker".
Chapter 5 The Other Road Aheadthe Other road ahead, the Other way in the future, the sequel.
Chapter 6 How to Make WealthHow to become rich.
Chapter 7 Mind the Gapwatch the gap.
Chapter 8 A Plan for Spama Plan for spam.
Chapter 9 Taste for MakersTaste — creators.
Chapter 10: Programming Languages Explained — programming Languages "in the context".
Chapter 11 The Hundred-Year Languageprogramming Languages in a hundred years.
Chapter 12 Beating the AveragesLisp: defeating mediocrity.
Chapter 13 Revenge of the Nerds — revenge of the nerds 1, 2, 3.
Chapter 14 The Dream LanguagePopular, part 2.
Chapter 15 Design and ResearchDesign and study.

Under the cut is the chronology of the translations, and thanks.

abstract chapters in Russian
stole here

Why Nerds Are Unpopular. School is a prison controlled by the prisoners. Its only purpose is something to occupy children while parents are at work. In order not to be at the bottom of the hierarchy, it is necessary to spend efforts on maintaining the status. But the smart kids interested in other classes on the image of the time left, and they are below.
The article is harsh, but with a hint of optimism. Awareness of the situation — the first step to fixing it. Friends who have teenagers, give them this article.

Hackers & Painters. Computer Science and programming are two different things. Bad when eggheads appreciate hackers on their own criteria. Even worse, when hackers yourself.
"Hackers on a conveyor belt" — also not the best option. "Big companies win not because of doing great things. They win because the "suck" less than other big companies."
The best way to understand hackers as writers or artists. And hackers should learn from them. What exactly on the second part of the article.
What You Can't Say. At any time and in any place, there are ideas that it is not necessary to advertise. If you have no ideas, you "brainwashed". What to do if you have?

Good Bad Attitude. Well, when there are people willing to break the rules.

The Other Road Ahead. The web as a new medium of creation and delivery of programs. What are the prospects for startups.

How to Make Wealth. A startup is a way to compress all conventional long working life of several years.
To earn a lot, you need to create value. A sign that a startup is on the right track — the presence of users.

Mind the Gap. A small but "vstavnaya" article. The idea that wealth and money are two completely different things, quite obvious. But the investigation — no.
Worse, when some people earn many times more than others? No! On the contrary, in the modern world, a huge difference in income is an indication that the society great and slid into stagnation.
There are a few ideas about the wealth of the state and its residents, but I'd rather put a funny quote. "If Lenin walked around the offices of such companies as Yahoo, Intel, or Cisco, he'd think communism had won. All wear the same clothes, sitting in the same offices (or cubicles) with monotonous furniture, call each other by name, not title. It looks like he predicted, until, until you look at the Bank account. Oops."

A Plan for Spam. With this article begins a glorious history of Bayesian spam filters. It is difficult to imagine how we lived without them, so it's funny to read phrases like "I hope this method works."

Taste for Makers. They say that tastes differ, but all have common features.

Programming Languagues Explained. Paul Graham expresses his attitude towards certain concepts related to programming languages.

The Hundred-Year Language. The programming language is not technology, but a way of expression of thoughts. Therefore, languages change slowly, and we can estimate that we will have in the future.

Beating the Averages. An ordinary article, but for some reason I have reread it many times, something it touches. On why Lisp coolest why its use provides a competitive advantage, and why few people know about its usage in real life.

Revenge of the Nerds. As a theoretical toy is suddenly a programming language, or again about why Lisp coolest.

The Dream Language. How to create a popular programming language.

Design and Research. What is the design different from scientific research (convenience vs. novelty), and how we should approach the design.

(If I were not quite accurate — write fix)

Thank you


As well thanks to the company #tceh, thanks to them I got together and started to do then I waited a couple of years.

Thanks EDISON, thanks to them I was able to finish before the end.

We thank the editorial Board and readers of Habra without your attention, comments, reposts and plus it wouldn't work.


Who are willing to layout in epub/fb2 — please specify anywhere a link to this article.
Issues/proposals the publication of the book in paper write on e-mail (address in profile).

P. P. S.

Who knows how to contact Paul Graham (or his Secretary)?
(address pg@yc0mbinat0r.c0m not to offer)
UPD have Already contacted Paul Graham.

the pre-Orders books in Russian here magisterludi2016@yandex.ru
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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