How to get to the coveted top habré?

Some people habré trying to write posts and to get to the top, but few succeed. My post is about how and what to write to get to the top. From my own experience.

The article will be useful for only to those who writes posts, especially newbies.

It just so happened that on habré often "minus" and "obserat" :). But, as you can see, the top is still full of quality content and criticism to the detriment of anyone else were not. Therefore, it is logical to assume that the part of the users knows how to write interesting material, and the other can not (but something tells me that he wants to learn).

first to understand how interesting / uninteresting material, you need to understand who will read, i.e. the target audience of Habrahabr. Once there was a poll on "Who you habrachelovek?", but I, unfortunately, could not find, so the words: people Habra is primarily Eternity, predominantly male, from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries (these statistics can be found here: From this we can draw only one conclusion: you need to write posts for Russian men is about programming! :)

Then you need to know the most interesting topics. Back in 2007 on this topic was a survey ( It the most interesting topics: projects, future technology, web programming, design, layout and management. But do not forget that it is already outdated, and the audience Habra has changed a bit since then, so I'd add a few popular topics today: business, self-development, DIY, famous people (mainly Eternity), gadgets and information security.

About half of the users appreciate (plus) post after reading it, a little more appreciated right after reading the header, or after reading the post with the comments (on this topic was a poll here: So remember the first rule of copywriting: the headline is the most important part of the article, then pay attention to the Preface to the article, it should be interesting and force you to read the post fully. It should also be remembered that man is more than just paying attention to the beginning of lent and the end: so, first zainteresowaniem, and in the end summing up.

Don't forget that habré just hate ads in any form, therefore, the Council wish to Paraclete: do so gently, and generally better to add even a advertising after hitting the post in the top.

good post there picture, to attract attention, the main idea in bold, and on Habre I love humor, so post, diluted with jokes, is perceived much better than just dry text.

Of course, you can use the friendship to help: for example, if the post needs one more vote to the top (need + 7 to get to the top), you can pay for the post of the attention of friends, was on habré.

And another important point: according to my own observations and comments to post much draw attention to it and help to get to the top!

Dry residue: write interesting, unique posts on interesting topics and without any problems get to the top!
Article based on information from


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