I opened a business account in USA

in the Summer of 2011 I came to the States and opened an account at Chase Bank as a private person.
It took me about 30 minutes.
If someone is interesting, write, I will try to find time to describe in detail what you need to bring to the USA to 30 minutes to open a Bank account.

About a month ago I registered ATILEKT, Inc. in the state of Delaware and thought to open a business account as easily.
But, as you can guess, I was wrong.
Come to the Bank where I opened an individual account, give all the documents confirming the registration of the company.
And in response to hear, and where a work permit in California?

The fact is that in Delaware the most well written laws for the registration of corporations, so most of Inc registered there.
Then to work in another state, you need to send a request to goverment California and to 5 weeks after resolution.
I, of course, answer was and I just showed the questionnaire with the request that I filled and are going to send.
But, alas, the Manager said that they need permission and was gone.

I called my lawyer and he said I was not upset and went to another Bank. What each Bank has its own troubles, and Wells Fargo everything should work out.

I did.
After 5 minutes, I shook hands with the cute Mexican from Wells Fargo.
She looked at the records and said she needed copy of Driver License of person whose Social Security Number had opened the company.

The fact that in the US, all people who work have a SSN is a unique identifier of the taxpayer.
I don't have one and I had to ask his employee-American to do me the courtesy to provide a number for the company.

I have no copy of Driver Licence and I'm a little sad I went home with nothing.
My lawyer said that I would try in Los Angeles to open an account there, they say, not so strict requirements.
But as it turned out after a few days, her account open, too, failed for the same reason as me.

The question arises as to run the company without an account?
The answer is no.
I met my fellow at a lovely wine cafe on Santana Row, and discussed our Affairs and asked them to send me a copy of your Driver Licence.
He said maybe tomorrow with me to go to the Bank and to attend Otkrytiye account.
I was delighted and was already almost 100% sure that tomorrow I will have the account.

But the next morning he called me and said he called the Bank and told him that I can open the account only for your personal SSD.
To say the least, I was upset.

But a rule of life: "Never give up" as always came to help and took a copy of his Driver Licence, I went to Wells Fargo.

I was driving and imagining how I'll get a Bank account. I imagined the documents as I sign them, I provide branded folder Chase Bank. I'm happy of offices.

Another regret, beautiful Mexican woman, who was engaged to my question in the Bank on Saturdays were not working and I was asked to come on Monday.

As Monday? I thought.
I visualized an account today!

And I decided to go to another branch of Chase Bank, in the hope that there Manager will be less fussy.

And you won't believe, Jessica, me opening a business account is not even asked, and if I have a work permit in California.

As a result, after 30 minutes I walked out of Chase Bank with a signature folder under his arm, happy and once again make sure that you always get what you want, if you yourself have a clear idea of how you do it.

Visualization of success is a cool thing, but about it somehow next time.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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