Indicator of the nature of the user action

developers Habra and habradi!

I suggest this idea, which seems to me to be able to protect habroloma from the so-called minusuri — individuals who cons everyone and everything indiscriminately.

The idea is the following. In the past the rating and karma in the profile of polzovatelya typing indicator — preobladanie quantities delivered plus (P) over the number of delivered "cons" (M), which operates according to the following rules:

1. the indicator neutral provided P + M < some number (20, for example) — the user has too few voices to assess

2. the indicator neutral in the case where the user P / M > 1, i.e. if the user is more plus, than a minus — it will not seem. (That does not appear plusery)

3. the indicator lights from pink to red if the ratio P / M is less than 0.5. The smaller this ratio the more red becomes the indicator.

4. the indicator lights from pink to red if the ratio P / M more than 10. The larger the ratio, the more red becomes the indicator. — There is clearly something wrong, the user may not like almost everything. We are not under communism, after all. Yes, or from the administrator of the light Bot Warning :-)

All numbers are of course at your discretion.

What does it mean? — First of all the idea that if a lot of you minusovat or just plyusovat — the indicator will light up — and then you zaminusuyut. Realistically this is unlikely, as any user will follow up on this, and if the light begins to pink, then instantly run and plusnet one thread, but it doesn't matter. It is important that there will not be uncontrolled and unpunished minutesto.

Even better — if the display will strictly be late for some time. Then users will be afraid of their actions, because if they overdo it with the negatives, it will be seen only after some uncertain time, and the probability is high that many will see the "red" indicator before, and here it is, even if you put it in, still nothing will change — you will be hard to kill.

Thank you.

UPD: Still it would be nice if the actions of the indicator was influenced by the fact that the user minus/plus one more. It is necessary, that would negate the actions "vindictive" habroloma who cons not because they did something very, and as revenge for something. Or again, to determine bot warning in the case of widespread pros is strictly one person.

UPD2: a Lot of sensible thoughts in the comments.
Article based on information from


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