Inversion compact skin v2

For those who are in the subject, briefly: after the autumn upgrade Habra-user-style flew — had to rewrite.


Style with one click makes Habr a more intimate and convenient:
— compact header
— the user menu on the right side (anyone still remembers, it was originally there...)
reduced the size of the indicators of karma/rating/index — because they are not the main thing on Habre
— replaced the appear of points about the comments on the indentation size in the avatar + the thin line to determine the nesting level
— replaced the multiple "reply" with an underline touches on a modest link that appears when you mouse hover
— removed rounded corners of avatars
— if the voting period for review has expired, it shows only the rating, without the gray buttons
— lessen the width of the right column (sidebar)

Who does not know what it is — background: season 1, season 2.



User page


In the presence of Stylish for Firefox or Chrome is installed with one click (or rather two) from the page:
Or on the same page you are offered other ways of installation, such as install as user script — so works too.

Also managed to get rid of all patches from different versions of the style to support banners (who put them — you can remove and put only the style).

Also I fixed the user-scripts that many people use:

1) Answer to... (original a post)
Here's a picture, but it's time to try to understand.
Answer to...

2) FixedHider (post about solved the problem)

Alas, I am in the first versions not prescribed version number, and most likely the automatic update doesn't work. I think I'll need to reinstall the script from the page.

fun fact
These styles and scripts I spent a lot of his time. But, I think, not in vain, as more than 3 thousands of installations, this is not enough. But it is interesting that almost a month has passed since the updates Habra when styles stopped working and I contacted the only person falone and asked if I would continue. That is thanks to him I continue.

Thank you for your attention.
Article based on information from


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