Lexand vs. BlackVue — full HD DVRs


I already wrote about the ideal DVR that raised some discussion in the community. Many thought my idea absurd, however, manufacturers of recorders anyway closer to my dreams.

In January I got two models of recorders, each of which was somehow close to the ideal. I can not share feelings, especially during the holidays when our naive ladies in an effort to make us a nice, swept from the shelves of various "technical stuff", appreciating it for the beauty of the design of the box. Don't know how anyone, but I myself have not once been the victim of such purchases and therefore pay your text in the first place, to the ladies: o)

Lexand LR-4500

First and foremost it is worth noting that the product really nice to the touch. I was terribly annoyed by the burrs and rough joints between the housing parts, sharp edges and loose screws. There is no such. The body is slightly rough, lettering tidy. Like a spy camera, which have scared the teacher at school when Andropov died. She forbade us to laugh in the days of mourning, because the streets run hither and American correspondents with small cameras, removes the happy Soviet children (her words). And just about as I imagined what they could to remove us.


First of all I took the photo quality, especially at night. Room to read and would have been seen something more than the brake lights of passing cars. I must say that this logger test stand quite well:

Picture day was also quite good:

The control was simple enough – one time reading the instructions was enough for me to understand what and how it is configured and, once after configuring the buttons, I did not touch.
When the motor device is activated approximately 10 seconds, turn off the motor and stops recording.

The data logger has a built-in battery that will keep it for about half an hour. File size length of 1 minute – 80 MB (max quality). Indelible is the file that will save the recording in the accident or manually, after clicking on the device (although it does...: o).

What annoys me in this Pathfinder, and many others, is the horrible hinge with a suction Cup that attaches to the windshield. Because leave the logger in the cabin directly on the glass is not recommended, each time it is necessary to stick and remove after. On cold glass the suction Cup is attached only if it's thoroughly nasloniti and not the fact that it does not fall off from shaking in transit. I fell a few times. Leave the hinge is glued to the glass forever, unscrewing only the navigation system will not work – it was too thin there cogs.


The bottom line – the picture from the Registrar fit, the carcass is a great, soft – normal. I just mount. Ready to come to terms with this deficiency – take without hesitation.

BlackVue DR400G-HD II

To be honest, reading the text on the website of the Registrar, I thought that here it is almost ideal. In fact, some of the claimed benefits were, rather, the disadvantages and some not quite true.

First of all, I found it very cool that the Registrar has no hinges and mount just glued near the mirror. But in practice it turned out that it's still not allowing you to leave it in position in the car, because outside it is perfectly visible a different kind of potential villains:

Again, with this mount the logger cannot be turned to the side during recording, to record, for example, communication with the traffic police. It is not required, but fans bet on the road will be disappointed.

Further – no screen. In General, the screen is not needed, if you do not want to view the record immediately, but personally, I would like to have a little more information about what is happening with the device. Color indication of the events are good, just learn the Morse code complicated. For example, I was scared when the indicator started to flash red, and it turned out that it's only triggering the sensor shaking and improve the current fragment will be written to nonvolatile memory until then.

What me really surprised is the lack of battery. It would seem that in such a huge cylinder there is a place almost for AA batteries, but in fact there is something accumulatoradder, which is only enough to turn off the device when there is no power. That is, to remove the Registrar from his seat and carry him outside to record – will not work. It did upset me.


Also, the developers strange approach to the established notation. For example, the WiFi icon that lights up green does not say anything about wireless connection – nothing to connect it, and reports that GPS works. That is, when viewing the entry on the computer it will be visible where the action is.

By the way, about viewing on the computer. From the manufacturer's website for some reason you cannot download a special program, which is quite convenient way allows you to view the recording. You can install it from a special partition on the flash card. From this program is the configuration of the device, i.e. during a trip it can be done.

I didn't test the declared system of recording during Parking, because to buy a special adapter to connect directly to the battery is difficult, moreover, to do this it is necessary to leave the Registrar in the cabin. But so it is. Exactly the same as the declared "mobile sync" is only able to insert the memory card into your Android phone/tablet and view the records with him. What to do iPhone owners like me – is unknown.

I was also surprised by the lack of connector to connect the device directly to the computer. Instead, given the ingenious USB-adapter, you need to insert a large SD card, and it is small. For me, the connector on the end would have been much easier.


Okay, these shortcomings are not vital. The main drawback of the device is in its dignity. Mount near the mirror means that the lens device is in a region that is poorly cleared by the wipers. I have at this place are continuously formed drips of melting snow from the roof. To drive a car that does not stop, but when recording sometimes there are noticeable defects. Making a test recording, I was sure the glass was clean, but in real life it's exhausting.

In itself, the recording quality is better than the 4500 LEXAND LR – it shows in the examples.



Due to the presence of the GPS module, the device records the speed directly on the record, and the coordinates allow you to see the map with the movement of the car.

Conclusion. Good recording quality, presence of GPS coordinates during travel, compact size and more or less tolerant mount. At the same time – high price and a few "built-in inconveniences." If about money to forget it entirely, you can take. If the money means, before buying a little to think.... take Samaras. Because without fixing this nightmarish sucker is expensive – the price is quickly forgotten, but the stick will have two times a day, that pisses me off. Me.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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