Mootools plugin to animate AJAX requests without gifs

I Wanted to somehow make the animation perform an ajax request on pure html+css and without gifs. And made a plugin for Mootools that allows adding one Javascript file to different in size, background and the type of the animated icons.

  • Lungs. Single element weighs more GIF'a, but you can use it repeatedly stylizer under a different part of the website/application.
  • the
  • Easily connected (see example below)
  • the
  • cross-browser. Unlike super pretty but CSS3 elements like these has been tested on IE 7+, Firefos 3+, Opera 11, Safari, Chrome, Mobile Safari 4+ and Android 2.2. Most likely will work on IE6, Opera 10 and older versions of Safari and Chrome, but not tested.
  • the
  • Single file for all animated icons of a site, not a separate gif for every situation.
  • the
  • Base class you can extend writing your own animations.
  • the
  • Is not directly related to technology, but also rarely met, so add some animations have the mode in and out, which is useful for visualizing the POST and GET requests, respectively.
  • the
  • for some reason I do not like animated gifs

And cons:
  • In IE 9, the elements still left square. Though the border-radius in it and supported, but there is a bug (or feature) associated with the fill, which immediately bypass failed. Can someone tell me how to do it.
  • the
  • could Theoretically slow down on slower machines on the old browser under load. In tests it did not appear, but life, as we know from tests is different. Tested on a weak netbook in IE 8 mode and IE 7 on my virtual machine — less, there was nothing for tests.
  • the
  • I'm Sure the comments will get...

And all the rest, as they say, better to see once.
Demo here:
The source code and documentation here:

Example usage:
// Create a simple element with no parameters
var loader = new MUX.Loader.Bar();
loader.start(); // Starts the animation and shows the element
loader.stop(); // Stops the animation and hides the element

// You can also use the start() and stop() directly to the html element

// Get html element by using $
// this is the same as

Who liked use, who did not like to scold constructively please.
Article based on information from


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