Politix.ru — polypropyl network

All the best and new you, Abrowser! We have never PR, so after opening you'll know about it first.
That policy has become one of the most popular topics on the network, it is clear even to a retard. It is also clear that the more we tighten the screws, the more the discussion moves to the Internet. Are all and Sundry, promise anything, and call themselves and others as horrible. We have long thought of how it's all structured, and decided to try to count all the users on the traditional scale: who left who is right and who is centrist.

a few clever thoughts

In political science it was decided to arrange political beliefs on a flat scale from left to right. It is now understood that the simple division into "left" and "right" correctly reflects the reality of diverse political spectrum.

Many of our politicians make statements on the economy, referring to the typical "left direction", in this case call themselves "right". With the party program all gloom, thank God, except that their authors almost no one reads. Many offer the use of the scale Nolan. This "political compass" (showing, along with the axis of the "left"—"right" attitude to economic issues, the distribution libertaria and authoritarian socio-political beliefs), proposed by the American libertarian David Nolan in 1970 If you Abrowser, not banned in Wikipedia (http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CF%EE%EB%E8%F2%E8%F7%E5%F1%EA%E8%E5_%F3%E1%E5%E6%E4%E5%ED%E8%FF), and find everything in detail.

It's not staged, and we decided to consider in each individual case. And came up with the following – the service of political profiles on the network politix.ru. The website is already created and running. The launch, as expected, was timed to the promised end of the world December 21, 2012, and, in fact, the beginning of a new era in politics.

How it works?

Politix.ru creates a dynamic picture of your political beliefs in the form of beautiful charts on a scale of left-right-center. Scale is based on the votes posted on the website. Voting can be added to any material or person. The answers to the questions are constructed in such a way that one of the options (until 3) reflects the political views of one of the three segments of the political spectrum. It turns out beautifully. By the way, you can then fumble the social networking profile and take personal belongings with friends. On your page under Polypropyl contains all information about activity book: read, how many comments left, in what the survey involved. By the way, more often to participate in surveys, the more accurate figure of the political profile.

As soon as you come to politix.ru and register or autorisoes via FB, VK or Twi, and then take part in polls, read and comment, you're starting to create here is such a profile:

Just delicious with the help of the Almighty new-fangled adaptive layout it looks on smartphones and tablets, so vote, anywhere and on any device:

move the needle

Politix.ru developed long. The main objective was, of course, chart of political views. From this challenge. The site is built on the principle of "objects", each of which (article, quote, profile, poll, etc.) you can snap to another object when it is created.

The design tried to do a minimalistic and mega. to glad eye and saliva were separated.


What else?

Need to vote on the basis of something: the quotes, character, material or articles, to have something to discuss. So on politix.ru we post many relevant articles and expert opinions. This is taken to create survey materials with the leading news and analytical portals, or written articles. Our team of enthusiasts is growing. In any case, if the article is copied or retold from our site, the original reference is also made to the photo, too.

An important part of the website are the quotes of politicians that like objects can be "attached" to the article and fumbling in the social. networks. Today's Internet world of microblogging, so that we do not lag behind, and give everything that matters in one sentence.


Well, the last feature, which I would like to tell you about the base of professional politicians, key figures of Russian and world politics. The base is small, but assembled manually and constantly updated. In it we try to keep the most current to date positions and statuses of people. But the most interesting thing is that politicians, who found their profiles will soon be able to confirm possession and to communicate with people on the site, leave comments and publish myself quotes. Hope will be alive.

We started recently. Needless to say, what to do with the soul, invested a lot of time and money. I hope that the idea of political profiles will be successful.

In General, Wellcome, Abrowser! Find out who you suit!


The rays of goodness will not prevent us to these addresses:

Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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