Save drafts of articles for Habra

a week Passed after I announced a project Habrareaction and to his surprise received a very large number of positive reviews and correct sentences.

Most of the suggestions were immediately implemented, among them transliteration, typographical symbols, the problem with the tags, bug fixes, polishing of the interface. And although I am getting results, this post will be mostly dedicated to the main innovation editor — saving of drafts.

This article I wrote a few days. While I worked, I had to insert a few links to make more than a dozen references to abrusio, format a ul-list, I had to leave the text, go to another city, I edited the text there, then returned and continued to edit it already in the same place. And I have never faced freezes, loss of the text, I was comfortable to dial and to write this text, I have not forgotten about habracut (though haven't thought about it). And most importantly, I had the opportunity to save the text and load to edit in a completely different place. I hope that this approach will appeal to many other editors Habra. I do not promote this project, I would like to promote an approach to the creative process of writing for Habra, making the writing interesting articles — interesting process.


What is it?

For those who missed the announcement of this project, I recommend follow the link and read. There in the text and the comments described in some detail what is this editor and what and whom he needed.



First of all, I would like to thank all who commented on this project, leave a review, made the proposal.
Here is the list of those to whom I am especially grateful to:
  • malaka — for suggestions about strong and translit;
  • the
  • compozer — for suggestions about copyright and typographical symbols;
  • the
  • fotokaif — for suggestions about syntax highlighting, 600 in the preview, the X button;
  • the
  • meako the proposals on transparency;
  • the
  • hellraiser09 the proposals indents.
  • the
  • silentroach — for suggestions about obrazuyuscikhsya Hebrom lt gt;
  • the
  • garex — for suggestions about spelling, for "All the buttons work similarly, with the selected text";
  • the
  • oowl — for suggestions about the line "the Text prepared in Habrareaction";
  • the
  • Qiwichupa — <> character map.

I'd like to thank the following users:
silentroach, denton, SaveTheRbtz, anycolor, kashey, Alaunquirie, zerkalka, xain, pudovkin



On habré I managed to write a few articles and it can be tasted standard interface for the preparation of the article. It training, because, for example, this article uses more than a dozen tagged words and sentences. To impose such article becomes the harder it is, the larger the size of the material. Even worse can be when the material contains the full source codes.

Very often it is necessary to write articles parts, it's more convenient, so you can allocate your time so you can collect the material. On Habre it is possible to save the typed text, but has anyone tried, he knows that the preservation of the de facto means publication, only hidden. That is your saved article assigned a creation time, and when you publish it, it will be in the list exactly in the place where they could be at the time it is first saved. This means that if you wrote an article three days, at the time of publication no one will see it, because it will be in the posts somewhere 100.
A solution to this situation can be the layout and save articles on the computer using word or some other editor. If someone tried to impose text for Habra in word, you may say that this is, to put it mildly, not very convenient. I like to write articles on habré and so I made Habrareaction, I need drafts and here I present them to you.



Each user of Habrareaction are given the opportunity to register your user, each user is assigned 4 save slots for the draft, which schematically is named CMYK. Creating a user is not burdened nor confirmation nor enter email. You simply enter the username and password, click the button and immediately receive 4 slots for drafts. I'm sure that 4 slots are more than enough to every editor of articles on habré. But if not, you can easily register a dozen members, with 40 slots.



Habrareaction developing, I tried to fulfill most requests and fix all the errors that found these people. I think that the main useful element will be the saving of drafts, which will allow authors to be creative as they wish. Well, other introduced elements greatly facilitate the writing of the text. For example, changes the selected text to the corners of the tags on the codes thing, the utility of which can feel the only person who tried to alter hands at least a dozen of tags.

Like last time, I hope to support users, suggestions, comments and guidance errors. Let's make together the authorship of habré convenient and interesting process.
Article based on information from


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