That you can still squeeze out of J2ME?

In recent times the attention of developers and journalists is aimed at smartphones and the interest in conventional phones is completely missing.
However, the share of sales of conventional handsets (where it is possible to only run J2ME applications) is very high. You can see the statistics of report Gartner last year only sold more than 400 million handsets, smartphones, of which only 80 million. By simple calculations we get the following picture:


As you can see, smartphones have sold 4 times less than normal cheap tubes. And only in the 19-percent of iOS with Android is fighting for the first place.

It is clear, why to make applications for owners ismartphone (because a lot of them) but what programs can do a cheap tube? First of all, you need to consider an uncomfortable keyboard, lack of touchscreen and small screen. Probably it should be a app where you can quickly choose from the menu and not to waste time on complex navigation. For example J2ME version pocztowego client for GMail I use it for writing letters almost impossible.

Why do apps on J2ME if you can make a mobile version of the site? Apps have several advantages over sites:
— mobile Internet is sooooo meeeedlenny if application has more than 10 pages it is likely that users never go beyond the tenth
in applications, you can organize feedback through the sending of the SMS (which is very convenient because SMS automatically tied to subscriber's virtual account with your ISP)

A good example of such applications can serve as mobile client Alfa Bank


it is possible to perform standard operations money transfer and checking the balance.

bypass the limitations of the J2ME platform

Most of the restrictions associated with the requirement to work on any, even very weak devices. For example, the phone can easily play full-length movies from the memory card but will refuse to run J2ME application with size more than 500KB. To overcome the limitations without loss of sovmestimosti with all the variety of models produced is impossible. But they can be bypassed. You need to change the very ideology of the application:

— use only standard GUI elements. Look is not beautiful and different on different models, but will work everywhere and always.
— instead of loading data from an external source to store them .jar-file. A typical MIDP implementation just does not have the functions of memory access and compressed .jar resource-easy to read standard this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(name).
— instead of updating the application data to do a new version with the new data. Usually the tubes already have a built-in menu function for downloading new versions of applications .jad descriptor, it is sufficient to increment the counter field in a MIDlet-Version.
— for each user you need to make personal application with his own data. A MIDlet is a simple zip archive, it is enough to place the new data precompiler the code itself (of course still need to change the size in MIDlet-Jar-Size.jad-descriptor).

Example service using the above principles can be viewed at the MRF. You can submit data to a web form:


and to like this app:


You can test the example MIDlets from the gallery — even the oldest tubes are easy to open directories on 5-10 thousand rows (for example, English-Russian dictionary or the schedule of commuter trains). Ready MIDlets are no different from those obtained in the usual way and can be placed in, say, Nokia store.

the feedback

For SMS there are several solutions.

The decision "on the knee" — you can buy a GPRS modem from MTS or Beeline. If you dig in AT the modem, it turns out that all sent to modem number of the SMS message is stored in a typical database, MS Access:


In the case of the modem database file is C:\Program Files\Connect Manager\db.dat. To the database, you can connect (say, via ODBC) directly during operation of the modem, checked.

A more serious solution is to purchase a SMS service from mobile providers, such as Beeline description of such services looks tak. It is also possible to work through an aggregator (for example, AvisoSMS). This will allow you to organize MIDlets through the sale of goods and services without concluding individual agreements with every operator.


Possible over a number of years ismartphone cease to produce, but while the usual tubes sold many times more than IPhones. And they can and should do the application.
Article based on information from


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