The calendar planner for MODX Revolution

recently released a new version of MODX Revolution 2.1-pl and I decided to celebrate by writing a new extension.

First, just wanted to adapt for my old Revo design, for the internal website of one organization, but is it that rewrote all over again.

The entire front end takes on a wonderful plugin for jquery fullCalendar. He has only one drawback — it doesn't work with the server. That is, create/edit events. Therefore, the whole backend of the calendar had to write it yourself on the MODX api.

At the moment, the following snippet can:
  • Create/edit/delete events
  • the
  • Events can be dragged to another time/day
  • the
  • you Can create personal and shared tasks (personal will only see you)
  • the
  • you Can put a mark on the job (it can no longer carry)
  • the
  • to Display only personal, only the General or all jobs

Thus, a simple scheduler for your organization, which can be written as private notes or public.

The installation of conventional, through package management MODX. Settings, while only 3
&calendarTpl Template of the calendar
&editEventTpl - the Template window the create/edit events
&viewEventTpl Template of the tooltip for the event

Suggestions in the comments — I will add.

If you have these plug-ins are not connected — they will need to uncomment in the chunk tpl.Calendar.

Important. When you first start after installation, you need to uncomment the snippet in the Calendar the last line. After a single page load with the calendar comment back. This line creates the desired table in the database to store events.

To work switch to show only his / only General tasks you want the parameter MODX session_handler_class in the admin was empty. Change in the admin, in the settings of the engine.

Styles can be changed in /assets/components/calendar/css/calendar.css.

to Download the installer for MODX Revolution
Article based on information from


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