The Russian-speaking community of MODX goes into the gap!

the update well-known the Russian-speaking community of MODX, but not simple, but strikingly reminiscent of the official site.

I am the organizer of this community and I want to tell you about some important things that are going on right now in our community. Even if you already have found out about the update, I saved you something special!

Updating and the similarity with the official site

This sleepless night I will long remember, but we Fi1osof did it! Fully updated website, replacing "warm lamp" Evo workaholic, who worked tirelessly for many years, the advanced version of Revo. Thus we have adopted all the new, what are you working developers and will continue to follow the latest trends. We took advantage of the flexibility of MODX and involved the development of modLivestreet (very deep integration MODX + LiveStreet) for the organization of communication made the overall management of available domains in one system and used the official design, carefully taken from with permission from Ryan's Trash (Ryan Thrash, CEO).

The use of the design exactly reflects the intention of the project to make a step in the direction of formality, and to take responsibility for everything that happens in the Russian-speaking community of MODX. We dream to translate the community to a new level and make a lot of useful and interesting.

And now the surprise

Don't know if you read all that I wrote above, but I want to give you a little message from the Ryan's Trash:

I'm very excited about what is happening with MODX in Russia. Last update is a terrific start and we look forward to his growth as a significant resource for Russian-speaking users. And I would love to have played a key role in uniting all Russian-speaking community of MODX.

By the way, Russia is the largest supplier of attendance for MODX. And in fact we really want to dedicate more time to the development of MODX you. And personally, I would like to make a commitment to help organize and participate in MODXpo 2013 in Russia (how we organize in Utrecht in Europe November 10). I heard that vodka's quite good. ;)
Ryan Thrash

Original in English
I am very excited by what's going on with MODX in Russia. The recent update to the site is an awesome start that we're eager to watch grow as a great resource for Russian-speaking users of MODX. I would also really love for it to play a key role in all the Russian Communities coming together as one.

Coincidentally, Russia is the single biggest driver of traffic to MODX. In fact, we can't wait to spend more time helping to foster MODX there. Personally I'd love to see enough commitment that we could afford help set up and attend a MODXpo in Russia in 2013 (like we're doing in Utrecht, NL, on Nov 10)! I hear the vodka is pretty good there. ;)
Ryan Thrash

In addition, Ryan noted that the Russian-speaking community a lot of good, dedicated and creative professionals. He's sincerely grateful for their contributions and interest in MODX. He would like to establish tighter cooperation with the community and continue to grow together.

What else is there to say? It only remains to wish all of us luck and continue to work. Anyone interested in MODX I invite into our community, where you can also participate in discussion updates.

And be sure to follow the news about the conference, MODXpo. This is a chance to live chat with developers, and many other community members. They can't afford to miss! The more we wait MODX 3, which is typical also in 2013.

Are you with us? :-)
Article based on information from


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