Two examples of commercial censorship: for the negative reviews the hotel is fine and the restaurant wins in court

Toffler's book "Revolutionary wealth" is a great metaphor. Imagine a highway and moving through it machine. The left lane, speed 100 mph, that car symbolizes the most rapidly changing in America, the reality of the business. In our case it will be the network, Google and many social services. And the right lane — speed of 25 miles per hour. At the extreme right of the row of moving government bureaucracy and classical types of business. In other words, a dense state and the family business is banal do not keep track of the progress. Do not keep so much that make decisions contrary to common sense and logic. And now two examples from the header

1. American hotel fined users for the negative reviews

The owners of the Union Street Guest House in new York's Hudson decided to fine its guests $ 500 for every negative review left on the Internet. Hoteliers return the money to tourists only in the case of removing unflattering reviews.

As writes Tape:
"the hotel is popular as a venue for wedding celebrations. While the newlyweds were obliged to make a Deposit, from which the owners of the hotel threatened to deduct $ 500 for every negative review left by the bride and groom, their relatives or friends.
Previously, staff were limited to aggressive responses to negative feedback from guests: "This is nonsense" or "She made it up".

You can shout, this is illegal. Let them go to court and bend over the hotel for a large sum. OK, here's the second example with the court:

2. In France, the blogger fined for criticizing restaurant

A certain blogger schodel in a restaurant. In the restaurant he didn't like what he wrote in his blog under the title "a Place on cap-Ferrat, which you need to avoid". Google has indexed this review and started writing it on the 4th position on the search query with the name of the restaurant. The restaurant fell attendance.

What do you think made the restaurant? Right, filed a lawsuit against the blogger, because this record brings damage to the reputation of the restaurant. What did the court? Right, blogger was fined 2,500 euros and was forced to change the title. Reflected in the note is true about the restaurant? The judge is not very interested.

Which we can conclude: alas, no matter how righteous our anger, we are not protected, leaving negative reviews. Not protected either legally or technologically. Information about us hanging on public access and search system does not protect either us or our privacy. Of course, you can leave feedback anonymously, but this is akin to the records on the fence.
Article based on information from


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