Usability review Habra (wishes)

Because the administration is closely watching proposals to implement some of them, and ticket system on the site, I've decided to gather popular sentences and some of its in one list, justify and present to readers in one place. The proposals are grouped to create some semblance of tickets and it was convenient to call the problem in abbreviated form. (The list is not exhaustive, truth and inclusiveness.)

Similar attempts in the error analysis was carried out periodically in the various "audits" of the site, voluntarily made by one or different authors (one example). Wishes often expressed in other ways. In particular, my vision of design and usability is partially expressed running userscripts (an article about the script) and the styles (ZenComment, HabrAjax, you can always find them linked from my personal page), but only partially, because I have to stay with the existing design, and, in addition, we see the solution but not setting problems and then it lists productions — the solution may be different and different.

The listing will go sequentially in the order in the HTML codes of the page from the top to the footer. Specific pages will be described separately.


Group of problems different menus

* Double-link logo and menu
Let this small inconvenience, but in order to start with. Link logo and the first link in the main menu ("posts") are not distinguished, lead to the main page. Perhaps it suits those who only reads the main (tap where you want) but the header of the website loses in substance creates a concern to the user who sees the same results at different links and trying to understand in what cases they may be different. Besides, no clues as to the logo that "posts" is also home. Possible solution: make "posts" another link, for example, "last 24 hours".

* ineffectiveness of the system submenu
Rather fully described by me in response to a similar article about the inefficiency of the submenu other site: Short — to go on the site menu, you need to do 4 clicks, despite the fact that it is not very difficult and contains only about 20 references, given a special page (which, by the way, the pages should not be settings, blocks authorization). Possible solution: all 20 links, it is possible to keep folded on 1 page and have access to them on mouse over and 1-click.

* user Menu
Already mentioned — the setting of personal pages are a separate page, not personal page fields that can be edited.

* Small navigation link in page
There are, of course, Ctrl + right, but what button for the mouse so small? Solution: in ZenComment I not only increased, but also recorded in the box on the bottom left. As a result, it is easy to not only click, but to find out what the account page. (Yes, it's not required, anyone can look in the address bar. :) )


* Headlines

The companies and blogs, very huge names. Not very clear index of the blog too. There is no sense in a huge name, if we always know its location.

* author, date and source are not shown at top of article
Yes, they're down too, but at the top too. An important feature when it is written and translated. If the latter you can still see the encrypted letters "Z-I" (Yes, not all the inhabitants of the Earth know that, being enlightened as you can), then a date have to look for somewhere in the middle of the page, and the author also. The decision, in HabrAjax there is a setting in which these data are duplicated at the top (for example,).
* link to source translations, the same color as the author and as comments
It slightly slows down the perception; after all, there is no problem to make the color a little bit different, and will look to distinguish the links.

* As mentioned, quite easy to miss a sign that the article — transfer
For the greater distinctness I, for one, made podtsvechivanija header background (pale blue, ZenComment).
UPD 2012-07-10: added explicit the instruction "translation", like "out of the sandbox" came about in may of 2012.


* Annotate articles

* Long title blogs, companies, and articles take up much space
Obviously to attract attention to this lack pushes the authors to give very long titles for promotional purposes. Or conversely they would love to do less but can't.
The solution is to make the title font depending on the length of names, and long names of the blogs to trim (not the users fault that they are so long). Implemented in HabrAjax.

* something to do with long texts to kata
Also, negligent, causes advertisers to write too much at the expense of others, to insert large images. The solution is to limit the size of pictures up to the kata up to about 100-120 pixels height and to push them to the right (and not more than 2). There on the right -- scroll for a very long annotation. Who does not fit — he is guilty, it will be read at the turn of the article or scrolling.

* right and left drawings are replacing the text, if they are large
The solution is to limit them to max-width: 50% (an example can be seen in ZenComment).

* Buttons of social networks, even if their reader does not use
He could disable the display of the buttons of social networks, obviously if they don't have an account in a particular network.


* Publishing

* Display buttons evaluations, even if they are not functional
Let this trick works for tips to casual visitors that the evaluation are in this place. But clearly unnecessary for authorized visitors.

* Close button ratings reviews
Example placing them on different sides of the value of assessment is in ZenComment.

* Publish message on Ctrl + Enter
(It still works!)
Maybe at first glance this seems a symptom of "advanced" interface, but, in fact, there is a suspicion that 90% error unexpected message sending happens as a result. Even if the user knows about it, he can accidentally press Ctrl + Enter when entering text (I know, but it happened) and fix sent to review is impossible. Possible solution: I personally set in the script (HabrAjax) lock on the action and as always write under userscripts, unexpected error sending messages I stopped. For the administration, the most just would be to abolish the rule, delete it from all forms of entry. Or, looking at another disadvantage, to introduce a rule possible to edit the submitted comment during the first 5-20 minutes or until it did not look the other (but not least some of the time).

* Close button "Preview" and "Send"
They are large, so the error is unlikely, but because the places to the right a lot. What prevents the submit button at least push from the preview?

* Triggering <br> tags and Source Code
I reported this bug I wrote tech support back in the summer — nothing has been done, although said in the letter.
Crash test: enter
<source lang="javascript">
Then click "preview" (when sending the same thing, checked in the mail about a month ago).
2012-07-10 UPD: for SOURCE fixed 9 July 2012.

* Does not appear to be a Source, among the Blockquote button tags
Resolved HabrAjax.
UPD 2012-07-10, SOURCE, appeared April 12, 2012.

* How close are the buttons above the input field, you have to aim
Push in HabrAjax in another script (Crea7or), if it is now operational.
* Unexpected excess modal window when you enter some tags:
Distracts from the input field, the focus shifts to the middle of the window. In a constantly quoted script services modal window is disabled.

* there is no increase in input field when increasing the amount of text in it
And even off the style resize. Included in HabrAjax (height).

* No ticketing system
A user who sees a bug that remains one-on-one email tech support. He doesn't even know whether he wrote about this other bug and how long has he appeared. In comments and in the Internet, he can see descriptions of other bugs, so the argument "we hid the tickets, so nobody knew that there are errors" does not work, and the service is not what is around and free ( the simplest example — the website pay example (classic) — ).

* needlemaster reviews
Even if a person has made grammar, logic (or fatalistic :) ) mistake, he cannot correct in his post. It can be somewhere down there to write, what to read, say, not, otherwise, or not read it, but it's going to happen next and at the BOTTOM. While the administration and other users with full resources to correct their message. The result — a clear discrimination and a one-sided game. The best (and decent) is only the author who can delete the article. But there is another problem — deleting messages to all other users.

* Udaljenosti reviews
If the user (or someone else) deleted the article, removed all the comments from other authors, that too contradicts the principles of handling your own messages. How to solve? The best solution (information resource) seen — offer users to republish your comments in other place. To do this, they just have to be visible to the author in their review list and marked as invisible, and now they are simply removed from everywhere (except the draft of the author), and if the user wrote something valuable- he loses, and loses also the time to set their comments.

* deletion of posts and articles (!) of the user removed from the site
This applies not only to information necessary to the removal by the laws of the country or the rules of the site, but also all (!) messages unrelated to the reasons for the removal of the author.
There is a clear failure of the notion of an information resource in General. If the information on the resource wantonly destroyed — this is not an information resource. Any user will be forced to copy the information and keep it on the real information resources.

* inaccuracies rules
There are numerous inaccuracies and a failure to inform. They were collected and tried to fix it, but they remain. Examples:
reads about 100 characters available for the title of the survey, and in fact there may be no more than 90.
— never warned that the poll cannot be edited after publication. (The idea is that the warning should be just before the publish button.)
— nowhere is the length of the article could not be more 43706 characters (or slightly more)
— there is no information anywhere (see "no ticket system") that you have fixed this bug for at least a year, when he was (I) detected)

Such inaccuracies of the rules — more than a dozen, but the lack of infrastructure to remove them and tracking taught to treat them leniently and cool.

* Presence of sensitive information
The message that it would be interesting to the world, is closed among readers or among the subscribers of one blog. It would not be a problem if all the blogs were divided into open and closed parts. Now — even worse — the moderator sometimes tacitly insist on carrying any article in some blog, and the reverse transfer considers disagreement with the actions of the administration and bans (I've been banned from entry and voting for a week for double you try to publish an article on habré in an open blog). The decision — marking by the author, which he wishes to have visibility of the article, and the moderator can simply select non-global visibility for an article, not a blog, if it thinks fit, and without creating conflicts.

* In the sidebar

There are trivial pieces of information — that are repeated on all pages and so they look just uninteresting.
This is a popular blog, "the best company". A rating rarely changes, so look for such blocks is interesting only at first, casual visitors. Was more than a month, I think, is already beginning to interfere.

* a Distorted emphasis on links to "live" and in "QA"
The block itself is useful because "buried" and odobrenie threads have a chance to fall under the gaze of the other readers. But the link leads to a particular message on the personal page of the author. Why is the author? Why the message if the reader is interested in the title, not the unknown until a message? The decision, in HabrAjax has posted links to another, as intuitively expected for a specific message on the nickname of the author (although it is unlikely it will go), on an article — by article title.

* Uninformative messages about work
Not to mention the fact that such a block 80-90% of the readers don't need (because they don't live where it is offered), removed location data from the link. But because of this links do not become more valuable! They were, conversely, more harmful, because by clicking it from another city and even the country.

* footer
The rules of the site hidden somewhere in the middle of many lists.


UPD: the Remark about the cons in karma. Didn't want to write lists of problems, because it is already discussed elsewhere 20 times, but I will.

This is another relatively new issue Habra. It, I think, will soon decide the introduction of automatic subtraction of karma cons — there was a comment from someone of the developers. The problem is that the cons over the past year became very angry. A year ago, on average, 20 cons in the review visited one negative karma, from what we could conclude now on a 2-3 disadvantage in the article and even in some of the comments (if the top of the page) represents 1 minus karma. Moreover, cons can appear for completely innocuous reasons, and when expressing private opinions in the right place. And it's not a case (probably not just me, judging by the comments in other places). An example about yourself completely innocuous statement ("Thank you, we will have to disable the auto update...") that I'm not going to upgrade Firefox from 8-th to 9-th and the rationale for this I got a lot of such vicious cons, had to defend himself, and in the end lost about 4 units of karma (cons 7 pieces, plus others, and only after requests for assistance). And in fact, turned off AutoUpdate for this reason, and thanks to the author of the article is sincere (upgrade from 7 to 8 missed, there were problems with the Addons).

Here and now: the article is posted in the right place. Blog — "Habr", it took 3 hours. 6 minuses in the article — 2 minus in a karma. The question is, who of the subscribers (not random people, I read about a website, know what you are doing) could so brutally do not like the discussion of the content of that vote in karma? The reason I see is the awareness threshold of impunity and to increase the number of people who are not inclined to protect the ecosystem of the site.

Conclusions — people are angry injustice anonymous voting for the karma and take vengeance on whom only it is possible at the slightest excuse and the hint of justice minusovaniya.

Oops, while writing this Supplement, the article was published in the main, already on the 7 cons article — 4 minus in karma. (Despite the fact that about karma was not a word.) Save who can.
UPD 2 hours later: the struggle between good and evil goes on with varying success: the 2 plus, 2 minus.
(After all, it's wrong that we have to care about things not related to the material.)
UPD in the morning: score +5, -2.
UPD to the evening: score +4, -1. And yet, it is not a method of estimation, when the protection from minusvalidos karma have to say about them and to warn. The first 4 instrumentals — it clearly was evil unpunished minusvalia (absolutely no one gave a negative answer in the comments), when good-natured readers were silent, as no one comes to mind just to give to the poor, when not asked.
Questions: CANT?
Who are these evil people? Why so many?
What are they doing here in the blog Habra before, in all the other blogs?
Article based on information from


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