Varieties TeX


I have not found habré mention about xetex, lualatex which in brief, compressed form, told about what it is. So thus came this idea: to write briefly about the basic system layout. And so begin order.


TeX computer typesetting system, developed by us computer science Professor Donald Knuth to create a computer printer. It includes tools for partitioning documents to work with cross-references. Many believe the best way to TeX for a set of complex mathematical formulas. In particular, due to these features, TeX is popular in academic circles, especially among mathematicians and physicists.[1]
For those who want to read about the history of TeX it is well written on Wikipedia. After the release of TeX, began to appear a variety of systems that simplified(s) using Tex, or pursue certain goals (e.g. the use of programming language in the document). At the moment adding features Tex and frozen, for this reason, systems which are based on the layout do not increase the functionality of it and use it via its methods and possibilities. Now you can move on to the next part of the article.


LaTeX most popular set of macrodactylini (or the macro package) of the computer typesetting system TeX, which makes it easier to set complex documents.[2]
At this point I don't see the point, because it is adequately covered in other sources.


The first release of XeTeX was held in 2004, the latest version was released in September 2010. It uses Unicode. Allows you to use different fonts in the system without configuring TeX font. An interesting feature is the possibility to use Russian commands and macros.[3]
Here is an example of the use of XeTeX, which is assembled by using
Parameter 1: #1

Parameter 2: #2
\fontspec{Times New Roman}{Text written using Times New Roman}

\fontspec{Verdana}{Text written using Verdana}

\nazvaniyami{First parameter}{Second parameter}



When I wrote a term paper on statistics I had thought: How can I generate
table, where a pair of neighbouring columns was calculated? Of course when I saw that
is LuaTeX immediately thought: I could write something like:
for x = 1,3
print(a[x].. " &"..b[x].." & " .. (a[x]+b[x]) .." \\")

Sorry unfortunately this code is not working. This product is still under development and don't have any stable release at the moment. In the LuaTeX Reference States that the product is not ready for production, and users cannot count on the stability, or the fact that the current functionality will be preserved in future versions. (The current version of LuaTEX is not meant for production and users cannot depend on stability, nor on functionality staying the same.) At the moment you can for example do this:
... body of document ...
for x =1,10
... end of document ...


BibTex allows you to separate list of sources in a separate file(s), from its formation in Latex is using is not a problem: it creates a file with the extension bib, where he describes the sources (articles, publications, books, and other types of sources). Then the document is written two commands: \bibliographystyle{gost71u} \bibliography{filename} where it is shown explicitly: in the first case this style(you can choose different styles, for example: without sorting, according to state standards, sorting by last names of authors, etc.), in the second case, you specify the name of the bib file without the extension.
As example, we present the design of a fictional book:
author={A,a fictional character and Vignette,F. K.},
publisher={main updated the Jupiter Agency},
year={12151 BC},

The result and the sequence of the derivation of these parameters will depend on the style specified in the corresponding variable. The first time you use gost71u faced with the problem of encoding in the bib file and the problem is that none of the initials of the author. The solution found on It was the fact that would be in the file (for example gost71u.bst) to replace "{vv~}{ll}{~jj}{~f.}" "{vv~}{ll}{~jj}{~ff}".[7] When looking for a solution for articles for the view on this decision: So replace "{vv~}{ll}{~jj}{~f.}" "{vv~}{ll}{~jj}{~ff}" kills the conversion of the full name of the author in the bib file in his initials in the output file.[8]


Unfortunately I was not able to find much information on the ConTeXt, and write what is the system layout I don't see the point. So if somebody wants to know more about it, you can go to the literature with numbers 9,10,11.


Omega is an extension to TeX that uses Unicode, which was written by John Plaice and Yannis Haralambous after TeX-frozen in 1991. It includes a new 16 bit Unicode, but few fonts, which widely cover the alphabets. In 2004, at the conference of the TeX Users Group, one of the two developers John Plaice decided to move away (split off) to a new project that has not yet been published, Haralambous continued to work on omega. LaTeX for Omega — lambda.
Although the omega project was promising, its development was slow, and the functionality is substantially stable. A separate project was to start to stabilize the code and to use e-Tex, whose name is Aleph, led by Giuseppe Bilotta. Latex version of Aleph is called Lamed.
Aleph is no longer advancing, but most of its functionality has been integrated into LuaTeX, a new project funded by the University of Colorado (via oriented TeX Project, by Idris Samawi Hamid) and NTG.The development of LuaTeX started in 2006, the first beta version in the summer of 2007. This receiver Aleph and Pdftex using Lua as an integrated easy programming language. Developed LuaTex Taco Hoekwater.
This is a rather free translation of articles from English Wikipedia.


[1] — Article about TeX
[2] — Article about LaTeX
[3] — Article about Xetex
[4] — LuaTeX Reference (eng)
[5] — Article about LuaTeX (eng)
[6] — Article about BibTex
[7] — a Controversial solution to the problem with the initials.
[8] — Opinion about this problem solution
[9] — Article about ConTexT (eng)
[10] — Introduction to ConTEXt
[11] — familiarity with the ConTeXt
[12] — Article Omega (eng)

UPDATE 1: fixed code xelatex
UPDATE 2: fixed translation suggested in the comments
Article based on information from


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