Welcome to Russian site for developers to Rust

Welcome to Russian site for developers to Rust!

Rust is a system programming language that is very fast, prevents almost all of the fall, and eliminates data races.

The creation of the community of brewing for a long time. Our language has passed the coveted release of "1.0". Rust is stable, the ecosystem is growing by leaps and bounds, and improve to keep pace in each new release. It's time to expand the audience!


Who we are

Mikhail Pankov

The system programmer. Engaged in the development of the compiler, hypervisor, operating systems.

"I think Rust is a huge breakthrough in programming. The language combines modern practices, reliability and incredibly thin runtime. Si and pros it's time to make room in system programming, Go, Haskell, and scripting languages in the web."

Listochkina Andrew

Full-stack developer. Developing a debugger for a language, browser, system cancer diagnosis and numerous web applications.

"I write in different languages — JavaScript, Ruby, Java. I always knew that I have the possibility to create native extensions, but never dared to do it in practice. For me Rust has opened the opportunity. Expressiveness combined with reliability is what attracts me to the language, and today I use it with great pleasure."

Denis Kolodin

Developed exchange robots, online broadcasting, led the escort team of the Federal transit complex.

"I've worked with many programming languages, but the feeling of "Wow!" I have visited only twice: when I studied Java and Python: I felt that this is a breakthrough, and indeed, the Java platform has become the de facto standard in Enterprise, and Python gave us Google, YouTube and the sea web startups. Now I again feel this feeling: this time working with the Rust language. He created a really great community. The quality and speed of development, I am sure, will make it the most popular system programming language for the next 10 years, and perhaps, give us a new OS: the fast, no lockups and easy work."


a Manifesto

  • We believe that Rust deserves the attention of developers.
  • the
  • We strive to unite Russian-speaking programmers for this wonderful language, being in Russia and not only.
  • the
  • We want people to know about Rust and used a Rust.


we have


He works for jekyll. Page is a Markdown file. Its repository is — here.

The main site is a tape blog. It is possible subscribe.

To write in this blog very simply — make a Pull Request in our repository, adding a Markdown formatted file in jekyll _posts directory.

The publications have a comment. Form of adding comments at the bottom of the page. Comments work on Disqus.

the Book

Fully translated into Russian language of a book about Rust — "The Rust Programming Language" — from the authors of the language.


It works on Discourse. The registration is free. Intended for any discussions about Rust in a Russian-speaking environment.


It's the room on Gitter. You can join having an account on GitHub. While this channel is main and is designed to all conversations in our community.


The Russian version well-known resource and it has the tag "rust". If your question is purely technical, he has a specific answer or solution — it's better to ask it here.


This is a list of resources that someone undertook to translate (or even to develop from scratch!). If you want to coordinate with the community — write to Mikhail Pankov in chat, mail or anywhere else. He will add you to the list. Contacts you can take — right, on the "Contact" page! And it is better to do Pull Request with the change this page.


A list of contacts. While it is just in the format of "row text — mail". Again, if you want to add — never stop!

Construction and finish is still not finished, so you can stumble on flaws or bugs. Please do not be silent — write about them to the address of Mikhail Pankov. It can be found on the "Contact"page.

If you want to help — we welcome your questions, ideas or offers of specific help.

You can also look at tasks. If you want to do something — comment on the task, doing that. Will wait for pull request'ы!



Our community is still small, but some rules need to be set immediately. They are only 3 and they are very simple:

  • do Not insult others. Be polite and do not offend interlocutors. Publications or comments containing insults will be ruthlessly deleted.

  • Talk on the subject. We don't need publications that are not related to Rust or trash in the chat. Again, until the removal of the content.

  • do Not spam. Spam no one likes. About punishment — well, you understand.


are Waiting for you!

I hope that your stay with us will be pleasant and useful.

How about to go chat and say hi?
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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