Yesterday started three GLONASS satellites launched in early March, (European Russia covered their signal at 100%)

Official page with information about the composition of the group of GLONASS satellites (and also peeep-the cast, made to the case of garraffello) shows that yesterday (March 28) started all three phones launched on March 2 from the Baikonur cosmodrome in near space.

According to the map posted on one of the neighboring pages, the current GLONASS constellation, due to its incompleteness (there are 20 satellites, and it is necessary 24) is not yet able to provide the navigation signal to the whole world. However, a large part of Russia is already providing satellite navigation for the 100% of the time of day, and in other parts of Russia (on the map marked in yellow) shortages of navigation is not more than 5% days (about an hour). It looks like this:
[map of the availability of GLONASS]

In particular, today one hundred percent availability of the navigation signal can rejoice the inhabitants of European Russia and Western Siberia. In the future, the area will gradually shift along the surface of the Earth as a smooth circulation system of satellites in near-earth space.

Further replenishment of the GLONASS spacecraft is scheduled fall two launches for three satellites in each. number — yet unprecedented experimental satellite, which provides twice the accuracy of navigation that does not require sealing, able to work in orbit for ten years in a row. Currently, he is a series of ground tests.
Article based on information from


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