Google is developing a new system of penalties for overly optimized sites

Search engines, including Google and Yandex, to overoptimize sites. Search engines are constantly working to ensure that such sites are not particularly highly ranked. Recently in the Network appeared the news that Google is working on a new system of penalties for similar sites. There is even an audio recording of the discussion methods of assessment overoptimize sites involving the infamous Matt Cutts (Matt Cutts).

If anyone's interested, the record can be downloaded here on this Silke. According to the participants of the discussion that we need to "raise the bar" for evaluating websites. This can ensure that sites with good content, but an intermediate level of optimization will still be ranked above sites with no quality content, but good optimization.

Cutts noticed that usually the development team of Google search announces planned changes. But now the developers have decided to announce the changes over which Google has been working for several months. The results will be implemented into search engine Google after a few weeks. Cutts also noted that the team is trying to make a search bot "smarter", to teach him how to determine overoptimize the page for the introduction of a penalty system. Several engineers from the search teams are now only this, and nothing else.

By the way, here's an interesting video Dating from 2009, where Cutts talks about the same problem, but in a different vein. It is clear that audio and video in English. So who is interested in this issue, you can get information first hand, so to speak.

Article based on information from


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