How was Moscow Django Meetup

The community is primarily a communication, so the meeting began with the fact that all who came were told about themselves. 25 people gathered the first MoscowDjango, 6 people called themselves experienced developers ("Yes, I'm on django with 0.9 x versions! :-)"). Many other shy and began his greeting with, "Well, if anyone here is a novice, it's me...". Among the attendees were corporate developers, and freelancers, and startups, experts,, RussiaToday and other companies.
First with a story about a magazine layout out Alexei Dubkov. He did a great report on how using a simple app in django to make the presentation of the material on the website more beautiful and interesting.
After Alexei Vladimir Epifanov ( told about the console, without which when working with django anywhere. "A big part of my job is to press the keys. I want to share my experience and maybe someone to coerce to use the console". Vladimir highlighted common elements and useful details. And finished with a slide "the Island needs more good pythonistas". Mota on a mustache, Gabriele!
Recent report "Django South. To migrate databases from" was presented by Nicholas Moves. Nicholas talked about what South use, what are its pros and cons. Sorted in steps a non-trivial example of using South since expand it on the server.
Generally, a large number of practical examples and code listings presented in all reports, which can not but rejoice.
At the end of the PM "session of questions and answers". Vladimir Epifanov, of the Island as one of the most experienced django developers in attendance, enjoyed great popularity — answered questions and shared their experiences. For a long time, however, this part is not delayed, as the audience of the Tower to the mental communication had — ended up meeting in a bar, under the beer, but it is not for the record.
We want to make MoscowDjango regular meeting, so the next meetup will take place on 5th April, participation as free but register.
If you already know what questions you want to ask, I would like to share or want to help with the organization please write to Mikhail Korneev ( or Valentin Dombrovsky (
PS We filmed the meeting on video, but
UPD: Another meeting report.
UPD2: Here is our Facebook group.
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