Searchme continues to invent

Prior to that, the features of the search engine was only in the visual representation Cover Flow (I think I added the outline around the words of the query in the screenshot) and the assumption category, due to the lack of which in the normal search you have to add the exception.
the And Yes, AdBlock still blocks Searchme, but only screenshots of sites, so you have to add an exception "".
the Stacks

Stack — a collection/folder of links to the found pages, videos and images that are displayed in the same gallery (but in the order they were added, which you can then change it via the box in the corner of the slide). With collections, as it turned out, work very convenient to take the picture and drag in a corner, or clicking on the icon add to selection

A selection you can paste the embed object in the blog, and will play the video. For images obtained simple slideshow. Or you can just give a link — Veronica Belmont cool :) And at a constant reference, I can change the contents.
Examples from the developers you can look at the description page of selections. Collections are stored as well as in Picamatic, without registration. Simplicity — the guarantee of health, that's only if the browser crashes, then without a reference to the collection cannot have her back.
Video about the selections (eng.):
(again about the same — How To)
Media Search
so far, the video search is made on YouTube, and pictures on Flcikr, but the extension is. In the search for videos played one after the other (thus Searchme can be used as an online media player), but if it is not necessary, in the settings you can disable autoplay.The search for the pictures would not prevent the display in three rows, but the look is so comfortable and enjoyable than using Google, although the functionality is inferior.
Video about mediapoisk (eng.):
As a user, I'm all for Google/Yahoo/Yandex another competitor, whose priorities for new features, interface, thanks to which the accuracy of the algorithms is not so important — the person becomes easier to navigate in search engine results, and SEO-stranded sites easier to see. But before the Searchme in action, yet so close at the Internet as was not and is not (even Classmates did not finds), and many features still not completed, though, and deserve attention. But for myself, I have found a used replacement Supplement PicLens if you just want something to watch.To subscribe to news developers Searchme is possible through YouTube, Twitter, or just RSS blog.
Users of MacOS will not prompt, Stacks is stacks, or as something else translated? "Stack" is too associated with programming.
PS (15.07.08)
And they have canned responses support look like individually written text (but still nice that the answer, after all, part of such text). Here are the same two answers the letter on fakerequest:
We're working really hard to make Searchme fun and easy to use. Stay tuned
for some cool new features, and don't forget to tell your friends to sign up
for a beta invitation!
Thanks for trying out Searchme!
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