Underconstruct.me — for those in the development

Hello, Hebraist!

I'm sure many here at least once, but tried to open your own project, no matter whether the Internet store is new and very cool cms or another couponsherpa.

imageAnd of course many were up one and the same problem — the project is still not done, but would like to start collecting emails from interested users. We tried to make a service that would satisfy this need is Underconstruct.me

the Backstory

In the head always had a lot of ideas of different projects. In my free time I loved to draw interfaces for nonexistent services, to devise a structure and business model (very well coached brains, by the way). But as the team or even just a programmer I had, all the projects remained only the layouts in the folder.

From time to time thought it would be nice to check out a particular idea on demand — to create some promo page where an interested user could leave your e-mail.
The pros are obvious — the sooner you tell about your idea to others, the quicker you will understand whether such a project.

But I'm not a programmer and not a coder, and make even such a simple page for me a little hard.

And then came the idea that it would be a good idea to make a service that would help people like me.

Began to actively look for similar services in the vast Russian Internet, nothing interesting showed up, but the ocean was LaunchRock and Kickoff labs. Projects are great, but any idea how to make it better. Yes, and it's always nicer to use a multi-language services.

In the same breath otrisovka prototype project, and is just a month turned up a great programmer that we work with today, and not only on underconstruct.me.


What exactly gives you the use of underconstruct.me is the opportunity just 15-20 minutes to create a promo page for your project (or just ideas), and immediately track the number of users concerned, but if you want and begin to chat with them.

Settings in the service quite a lot, the whole structure is divided into "Main page" and "Page send" (what the user sees, leaving your e-mail in the form).

But let's go a little more specific on each step create your promotional page.

Main page

On the main page you can play around with the settings of the main unit, be required to upload your company logo, a nice background and of course a favicon.
There are three fields to describe the project. If some of them you do not need you can safely disable them.



If you have purchased any package above basic, then you will see widgets. They are scarce, only two or widget insert a video (supports youtube, vimeo, Vkontakte) or presentations from slideshare and widget countdown to the start of the project.


submission Page

As mentioned above, this is the page that the user sees, leave your e-mail in the form.
On this page you can enable or disable the desired buttons to share in social services, and some of them to configure (for example, clicking on the icon you can edit the text that will be published when sharing).
If you have accounts in social networks, then be sure to enter them and they will be reflected on the submission page.

And of course don't forget to edit the motivating text, in order to get people more actively invite their friends (for example, promise that everyone who has invited 5 friends — 10% discount on use of the service).

Send email

You can edit the text of a letter, which will come each of the signatory for your project.
In it, you can tell at what stage of development the project is in, and maybe even just send a link to the beta-version of the project.
What you really fancy enough.


In the statistics section you will be able to track the number of signatories on your project, to look at dynamics of growth of subscribers, to assess interest in the project by using the conversion rate and to track the most active users.
Those who invited the most friends you can give different bonuses or just the communication.



To run the page in two ways — or used to attach the domain or use the opportunity to get the code to insert.

If you choose the second option you can turn on/off the field and to introduce the form in the form you want.

These two options can be used together to attach a domain (or several) and place the embed code, for example, in his blog, attracting more users.

future Plans

In order to do less movements when creating a promotional page, we want to introduce to us the email.
At the moment you can just upload the email addresses of your subscribers in CSV format and fill them in the usual MailChimp or UniSender.

Odnozachno will develop new and new widgets that you could do your promo page more personal.

Thinking to tie the tool to attract traffic to your promo page. Begin to negotiate with some of the advertising systems.

You will develop the ability to use the mobile version of the promotional page.

Mandatory plan to do localization. First and foremost, of course, in English.

success Story

Though we still really have not started but we already have examples of successful use of the service.
Seriestrack.ru service, where you can find songs from popular TV series.

Just over a month, the guys managed to collect a database of 880 subscribers and to attract about 80 people in my group Vkontakte.

We have a dozen clients, some of them are already using a paid account.

If your whole team is a wild worn out, and need to quickly launch promo-page of the project or you just want to test your idea, use Underconstruct.me.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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